Frequently Asked Questions

Please refer to the most common questions customers have about our products, services, and Stretch Rome, GA as a whole. A customer representative is still available to answer more specific questions on our Contact Us page.

Stretching is for everyone, no matter your current condition. Whether you are an athlete looking for an edge, or you just want the mobility to tie your shoes, Stretch Rome can assist you.

Although stretching in-and-of itself does not decrease pain, many find improvements in their daily aches/pains.

*Pain is considered a medical condition. As such, Stretch Rome does not diagnose or treat any medical conditions. Clients are encouraged to consult their physician before beginning this or any other new physical activity.

In short, yes. Most joint replacements recommend limiting range of motion (ROM) for anywhere from 6-12 months post-op. However, each individual is different and we encourage our clients to follow up with their physician if unsure of their limitations.

* Stretch Rome does not diagnose or treat any medical conditions. Clients are encouraged to consult their
physician before beginning this or any other new physical activity.

  • Massage aims to alleviate tension in the muscles through the use of targeted pressure. Although massage can target the deep muscles of the body, many experience discomfort due to the required amount of pressure needed to work on these muscles. During a massage, you are asked to remove any clothing that is covering the targeted area. The effects of massage are felt immediately.
  • Stretching aims to alleviate tension in the area through the lengthening of the targeted muscle. Stretching can target deep muscles without the discomfort one might experience with massage. During an assisted stretching program, you are not required to remove any clothing that is covering the area. The effects of may not be felt immediately, but are long lasting.
  • Improved balance and coordination
  • Improved flexibility/range of motion
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Improved movement patterns
  • Reduced muscle imbalances
  • Reduced risk of injury
  • Reduced soreness
  • Reduced stiffness
  • Reduced stress

Assisted stretching typically falls under the category of passive stretching. However, each individuals has different needs and the stretching coach may instruct their clients in active stretching such as: MET, PNF, and AIS.

Although some soreness may occur, it is expected to be minimal and the stretching experience should not be painful. Unlike many would think, stretching is not a “no pain, no gain” practice, and stretching through pain can even hinder progress. When performed correctly, Stretch Rome’s protocols ensure a safe and effective, pain-free experience.

All of our stretch coaches are required, at minimum, to be a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) certified Strength and Flexibility Coach, as well as complete in-house training being able to demonstrate competence in our stretching methods/protocols. Although we do not require it, most of our coaches have backgrounds in health and wellness, or the medical field.